Livestock Guardians and Winter

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IT IS WINTER TIME ~ A challenging time to farm; also a LIFE AND DEATH STRUGGLE for wild carnivores.

It is important for you to know that carnivores walk this line of survival, that they are often on the edge of starvation in the winter.

That is why Guardian Animals are such an important part of your team in the winter. Note the photo above, taken by Billy Foster of the Foster Farm in Maine. Though his fencing is excellent, the deep snow would allow a carnivore to jump over it with ease.

BUT ~ His guardian dogs are present, and have been present all year. There is an UNDERSTANDING between them and the Coyote family who live on his farm. Note the Coyote tracks that REMAIN on the outside of the fence.

SO ~ if you are thinking about acquiring one of these amazing guardians for your farm, the following are some questions and thoughts to think about and research this winter:

  1. Do your homework first
  2. Do you need one at all/do you need more than one…why or why not
  3. When should you use a Llama or donkeys instead of a guardian dog?
  4. What makes a Guardian dog, a guardian dog?
  5. What breed is right for you…differences in breeds?
  6. What does a guardian dog do for your farm?
  7. How to acquire a Guardian dog (breeders)
  8. What is the role of a good breeder?
  9. The importance of good fencing for your guardians
  10. When and how to introduce them to the farm animals and farm
  11. Their care